Bizarre Times in America

The guilty findings against the top people at the Oath Keepers and the long prison sentences that will be meted out may stand as something of a deterrent against future insurrections. The idiot with the swastika shirt and the Nazi salute may think twice before she breaks laws that carry 20-years imprisonment.

In any case, and at the risk of repeating myself, if I were hearing a case like this, I would be somewhat compelled by the fact that these people honestly believed that the election had been stolen and that there were acting as patriots by forcing the overturn of the results.  Why?  Purely because they were ordered to by the President of the United States.

This was not something that came from the deputy police chief of some cow-town in rural Alabama; it came from the White House, the Commander-in-Chief of the United States armed forces.

It is for this reason that justice actions that do not include charging the former president are really no justice whatsoever.

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