Science and Religion

James Randi left us in 2020 after an impressive career challenging paranormal and pseudoscientific claims.

While I try to avoid judging books by their covers, I have to say from his portrait here that he definitely looks the part.  If you had to create a photo of a super-high IQ scientific skeptic merging with Indiana Jones, could you have done any better?

In any case, our embrace of religion is downward trending, despite the low-brow rejection of science.

If, in the event that we still have a civilization 100 years from now, it will probably be because we favored science over religion.

Of course, not everyone agrees.  Nowadays, we have the far-right-wing concept of reinserting the Bible into our schools, letting us know how we should treat our slaves, and naming the size of rocks that are suitable for stoning adulterers and gays.

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