Can We Really Tax the Rich?

Common wisdom suggests that the “rich” in the sense presented at the left have wrested control of our country’s lawmaking processes so completely that the rest of us are powerless to regain even the tiniest bit.

I’m not so sure.  It’s possible that the abject stupidity on the part of the common American that was released and given wings by Donald Trump may be at least partially replaced by some semblance of intelligence once the former president goes down.

Keep in mind that the Salem witch trials of 1692 were a short-lived fad that was gone soon after it came into being; a year or two later, many people had forgotten that they had ever happened.

We may be in the process of learning that being ruled by the billionaires and corporations while the middle class evaporates completely is simply a miserable way to live, and we will demand a change in a major election cycle.  I hope I’m still on this planet long enough to see it.

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