Coal and Our Energy Future

From the ad at left: American energy independence needs coal power. Sign the petition to keep local coal plants open and protect our economy.

This was written to appeal to people who know absolutely nothing about our energy markets and the impact of coal consumption on our environment and the health of the human race in particular.

Of course, it makes the MAGA crowd ecstatic, as it simultaneously a) owns the libs, b) enables billionaires to become multibillionaires, and c) rejects science.  It’s a win-win-win for the least educated people in our nation.

I sometimes wonder how I would feel if one of my children had made a career out of promoting cigarette smoking, selling heroin, or destroying our planet for profit. What if I had put all that effort into raising a kid, only to find that he had become one of the most disgusting people on Earth? Fortunately, I don’t have to deal with that moral catastrophe.

It’s hard not to feel sorry for the relatives of those with no ethical sensibilities whatsoever.  “Oh, my kid?  He lives in Greenwich, CT and runs a fossil fuel hedge fund. He’s taking a personal role in engineering the end days of human civilization, and living like royalty. I couldn’t be more proud.”

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