Tribe: We’ll See ‘a Series of Indictments’ Against Trump by Spring

It appears that the timetable at work here may enable the United States to remove Trump from the political scene with a minimum of bloodshed. All these events are happening gradually and methodically:

• The GOP is gradually disconnecting themselves from the former president.

• The Justice Department continues its work in gathering and processing evidence of Trump’s criminal conduct.

• Various states are operating in parallel, at least as far as his attempt to overthrow the federal government is concerned.

• Trump’s base erodes and approval rating continues to fall, as his behavior becomes more unhinged.

Keep in mind that the American people are good at forgetting stuff, and ultimately pretending that it never happened. This seems to be an indication that soon, Trump could fall off a cliff and nobody would notice.

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2 comments on “Tribe: We’ll See ‘a Series of Indictments’ Against Trump by Spring
  1. Gary Tulie says:

    Trump fall off a cliff? I suppose it’s one way for him to realise his potential!

    Hopefully soon the right leaning sections of the American public will see through him and understand that he does not reflect their values. Surely the GOP can find a better candidate for 2024!

    They have not always been like this! George Bush senior was widely thought of as a generous and decent man who tried to do the right thing, and often worked alongside Bill Clinton, his Democratic successor, on humanitarian activities.

    The US like any other nation needs leaders with integrity, decency, and instinctive kindness in their character regardless of which side of the aisle they come from.

    • craigshields says:

      Yes, this is a disgrace. Wish I had more to say, but the Republicans have taken our country to extremes of hate and stupidity never before imagined.