Hillsdale “College” Wants to Know: Can We Get Your Thoughts on Socialism?

The correct answer here depends on how stupid you are, and how little you know about how the people in the rest of the developed world actually live.  They pay marginally higher taxes, but they lead better, healthier, and far happier lives than we do here.

Most of those targeted by this “survey” are clueless of these facts, which is what makes Hillsdale “College” a total sham.

If I come back, somehow reincarnated as a selfish and hateful ass****, I’ll probably establish and run the next such “college,” or perhaps become a billionaire televangelist. Both are easy ways to fleece morons.

As Trump said, “I love the uneducated.”  He is, to date, the world’s greatest criminal conman, but he’s still playing golf, as his lackeys, one after the next, line up for long sentences in prisons.

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