Another Hillsdale College “Survey”

When readers ask me to comment on ideas like the one expressed in the meme here from Hillsdale College, my first response is to ask: Well, is America in fact the freest and most prosperous nation in history?  The answer, of course, as anyone who can read and write understands, is no.

Right now, the U.S.’s “freedom ranking” is number 53 (and falling) among the world’s countries. Freedom House rates people’s access to political rights and civil liberties in 210 countries and territories through its annual Freedom in the World report, and the United States is nowhere close to the top of the list.

We’re 12th in GDP per capita.

If you don’t care about facts, however, please feel free to weigh in on the “college’s” survey  and show your ignorance.  Remember that a hearty appetite for accepting baldfaced lies ihas become a virtue; it’s what makes you click in today’s world.

To Hillsdale: Go Trump.  Storm the Capitol.  Whatever you’re selling to our dullest minds must be correct.



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