How Today’s Republicans Think

Former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich’s statement here is interesting, but I think the answer is even simpler.

Our country is roughly equally divided between those who care about the well-being of others, and those who crave reasons to think of themselves as better and more deserving than others: those with whiter skin color, more advantaged national origin, socio-economic class, religion, or sexual orientation.

Today’s Republicans have tapped into the ignorance and hatred of the latter, and have established their political platform accordingly.

The GOP’s behavior at this point is completely predictable.  If a certain element of American society, in this case labor unions, benefits the common person, Republicans will do their level damndest to remove it from our lives.  The same applies to better education, access to healthcare, environmental responsibility, and everything else that makes us a happier and healthier society.

The imperative: Reject science and all aspects of common sense and decency, if it makes rich donors happy.  

It’s what makes living in America rather pathetic for people of kindness and decency.  It’s why the rest of the civilized world, when asked about the United States, says essentially, “We simply feel sorry for you. If this had happened in Botswana or Azerbaijan, we would have barely noticed.  But we never, ever, thought it could happen to you.”

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