Political Banter and the Republicans’ Move to the Right

Readers should expect fewer posts for a few days, as I’m in the process of accompanying my 96-year-old mother from Kauai, HI to Richmond, VA.

I haven’t seen her face-to-face for about six months, and I’m looking forward to the experience, including some lively political banter.

Given that she’s a life-long Republican, we tend to see these issues differently, but we treat one another with respect.

I have to admit that this was easier when I was in college in the mid-1970s. Nixon had just been forced to resign, and the GOP stood for things that I could tolerate fairly well: personal accountability, limited government, and the like.

This was 20 years before Fox News, and about 40 years before Trump, and the total implosion of honesty and decency in the Republican party.

Like so many who voted for Trump twice, Mom would, I’m sure, like to forget that all of this insanity ever took place, as she has come to realize what a vile human being he is.

She even admits that it’s possible that the former president will be indicted, which, of course, would vindicate the predictions I’ve been making since ~2018.


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