AT&T Has Supported Right Wing Causes for Almost a Century, But They Finally Drew the Line

It comes as no surprise that the cable news channel Newsmax, far to the right of Fox News in terms of its spreading pure disinformation, is apoplectic about AT&T’s and its subsidiary’s Direct TV’s dropping them when they continued to support Trump after he took on the role as one the world’s most notorious criminals.

AT&T had long supported far-right causes, but here they figured, we were OK with Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Bushes # 41 and #43.  But traitors?

We can almost hear the discussion in the boardroom: “We can continue to be America’s phone company, or we can support this sociopath.  We can either draw the line or slowly fade into becoming part of a criminal enterprise.  I believe that the American people have a limited appetite for treason. Who’s with me?”

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