Wise Words from Actor Keanu Reeves

I don’t want to be part of  such a world either, but at some level, it’s forced upon us.

If you had wanted to bet me 10 years ago, that by 2023, almost half of American voters would favor a party that makes fun of caring and decent people, you would have gotten some very long odds from me.

Of all the aspects of the anti-woke GOP that I find most nauseating, one of which is the prohibition against teaching our kids about systemic racism.  In fact, I would submit, as others have as well, that forbidding teachers from exposing children to the idea of systemic racism is the best proof that systemic racism is an extremely powerful force in our lives.


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One comment on “Wise Words from Actor Keanu Reeves
  1. Scott McKie says:

    I totally agree with Mr. Reeves position here.

    I would also add that this country has never faced up to it’s total,”real” History, and until this is taken on, starting at all levels, the individual, the home, and in the schools, both personally and professionally, i/.e., at all levels: at the same time — nothing will change.

    What is hopefully/ finally being realized, is that it is the racist / parent / voter, individual, at any levels and locations; and not the stooges these people vote into power — that are the real root of the problem.

    And forget about trying to change these people’s minds.
    They’re too busy feeling “put-upon”, “sorry for themselves / being left behind / being anti-woke” / what-ever –to be reached using “normal” / let’s “flap our jaws about it” means.

    There are one legal and moral way to really bring these people to their “Jesus moment” — specifically demonstrate to them and their ilk that “their beliefs through their actions have ramfications”.
    Those ramifications are brought to bare by:
    1.) calling them out for what they are and totally ostrasizing them: personally, professionally, and economically, i.e., totally boycott them and anything/ everything they aare connected to / produce.
    2.) calling out the various hate spewing so-called “People of God” for what they are — hate spewing / caste keeping / people.

    A person has the right to personally hold his or hers own religious beliefs — but only to himself or herself.
    No person has the “right” to “alternative facts” — they don’t exist.
    Facts are facts.
    No one has the right to force his or her “alernative facts or personal religious beliefs” — on any other person — ever.
    This is where it ends — up to and including the US Supreme Court.

    This will be extremely hard to do, and most haven’t got the internal fortitude, “guts” (to the rest of us), to do it — but it is the only way that change will peacefully be effected.

    If one is to be serious about “effectively bringing about major changes in anyone’s behavior and / or thought in this country and elsewhere — this has to be done.

    It is the only legal and moral way available to us.
    It hurts — taking this route.
    But when it is taken — it brings “a whole lot of real inner peace” also.

    Just let them rot in their own self-pity — alone.