Stopping Wokeness in North Dakota

Here’s Kevin Cramer, one of the two incumbent Republican senator from North Dakota asking, actually begging, for your generous campaign so that he can “stop the woke Democrats.”

A couple of thoughts:

The GOP is fractured between the Big Lie sociopath Trumpers and the slightly-less deranged ultra-right conservatives like Ron DeSantis.  We don’t see any proposals for anything that might improve our lives emerging from either of these two factions, but they are tightly united in their rabid hatred of wokeness.

Cramer beat his Democrat opponent in 2018 by 11 points; that’s not exactly close.  In 2020, Trump won North Dakota 65.1% to 31.7%, a margin of 33.4%, about three points down from his 36-point victory in 2016. North Dakota is one of the most reliably Republican states in the nation.

This greedy, insincere pig doesn’t need your donation.


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One comment on “Stopping Wokeness in North Dakota
  1. Scott McKie says:

    This dude sure says a lot about the quality and mindset of the people making up the majority of voters in North Dakota, i.e., Republican Party voters.

    Being a Conservative thinking person is a good acceptable way of thinking and acting, just as being a Liberal thinking person is also.

    But when you have Racist, White Nationist based voting members of the North Dakota Republican Party, who, to a person, has swarmed to, and spiralled into; the Trump sewer — as none of them will rebuke either their “beliefs”, or voting for this quality of individual running for any office in their State — you have to blame the quality, or lack thereof, of every North Dakota Republican Party voter — for causing this situation.

    You get what you vote for.