One comment on “Libs Seething?
  1. Scott McKie says:

    What will be really interesting is to see whether or not the people that bought into this kind of “cool-aid”– have the guts to face that fact that they were lied to.
    To be stupid enough and gullible enough to willingly believe the lies that Rupert Murdoch, and his “cable Appostles” fed them 24 /7 — really says that that they were already “there”.

    What Murdoch and Fox News did — was for “market share” only –not the truth — and that is now out in the open for all to see and digest.
    I hope the Fox spigot of lies is cut off, and everyone of those liars should be made to tell their “watchers” — 24 / 7– that the Fox “hosts” lied through their teeth.
    Tis should last until Fox is down.

    But that will take some real fortitide on the part of the present judges in the Supreme Courct — where the Meridian court case against Fox / Murdoch: is go to end up.

    I kind of doubt it.