Staying True to One’s Ideals

At left is a quote from a figure in one of the pop religions born in the 20th Century.

It may make sense on first inspection, but let’s think about it for a moment. Shouldn’t one’s ideals be subject to change as he matures and encounters new information?

Let’s take an example.

A former friend of my son believes in white supremacy, unlimited gun rights, that the pandemic was planned and put into place by the U.S. government, and dozens of other equally unsupported ideas. In his teen years, he dropped out of school. Wouldn’t it be nice if he were to wake up one day and jettison this entire line of thought?

Maybe he could recognize that signing up to be a lifelong moron wasn’t such a great idea. He could now join the ranks of people who can actually think.  Not such a bad bargain, is it?

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