No, We Can’t Agree on Trump

The answer to the question raised in the meme here is clear.

No, we can’t.  And that’s the problem.

About one-third of voters believe that Trump was among the best, if not the very best, president in U.S. history. Further, they hold that he was an honest and effective servant of the American people, that he was (and continues to be) the only thing standing between the U.S. and socialism, that the 2020 presidential election was rigged in favor of Biden, and that all the criminal investigations and the upcoming indictments against him are politically motivated by the “radical left.”

On my way home from an errand a few minutes ago, I drove past a Harley-Davidson motorcyclist with “Let’s Go Brandon” stenciled on his helmet.  He’s joined by 50-60 million other folks who consider themselves patriots who would like to see Trump re-instated and possibly installed as “president for life.”

I’m old enough to remember when controversial issues were those when honest and intelligent people could disagree.  Should states’ rights take precedence over a strong federal government?  Does the death penalty have a place in a civilized society?

If you want a measurement as to how far we’ve fallen, there is no need to look any further.