One of Very Few Republicans on Gun Control

Many Americans remember John Kasich from the 2016 Republican primaries. He stood out from the crowd of perhaps 15 or 16 hopefuls, largely for his sane and decent nature.

Here we are, seven years later, and the Republican party has squirted even further to the right, at this point making Kasich appear to be an absolute freak.  Undeterred, the former Ohio Governor responded to the latest school shooting by suggesting, and get this, that we take legal action to keep weapons of war out of the hands of the mentally ill.

From this article:

Kasich is calling for action and saying that the American people need to demand it from their elected representatives.  He even has some suggestions on exactly how to do that. It’s time to stand up and protest, he says, taking the debate right to lawmakers.

Right on.

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