Arc of the Moral Universe

I totally agree with the author of the meme here, especially given the trend toward authoritarianism we see happening in so many countries around the globe, including our own.

Demagogues need a hateful and ignorant base over which to rule, and once hate and ignorance take hold, they form a dwindling spiral, each reinforcing the other.

At a certain point, they take the culture down to the point that decent, educated people are ridiculed, in this case, as “woke.”

It’s going to take some real work to turn this around.

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One comment on “Arc of the Moral Universe
  1. Scott McKie says:

    That “work” starts with looking at the real situation we have here in the US — other than through “it isn’t happening here” rose-colored glasses.

    Next — we have to call out what these people actually are — specifically the ones that embrace Trump / MAGA thinking — which is totally different from being a “Conservative thinking” person.

    I’m a conservative thinking Independant, that sees nothing in the present Republican Party member of voter that I would call being anything but total Traitors to how and why this country was originally set up.

    When you forfit the ability to differintiate between “what is actually true” and what you might “want to be true — known as B.S.; especially now, where Republican Party member / voters are so totally opposite to what this contry stands for — the rest of us have to start “getting real” and call them for what they are — all traitors.

    If one’s beliefs are different from what another person beliefs are — there is a line that is defined as “giving aid and comfort to the enemy of this country.
    And to a person — I have not seen nor heard of one of them undestanding that they have “crossed that line” — which all of them have.

    Now we can’t hang all of them for treason against the US — but we sure as heel can ostricize each and every one fo them for the political position that they have placed themselves — because nobody did anything to put them there.

    They accomplished that — all by themselves.
    Let them rot in the carp that they have chosen.
    They have proven themselves, time and time again — that they are not worth taking the time to try and change their minds — they’re where they want / chose to be.