Fox News Lies To Its Viewers, and They Can’t Get Enough of It

Isn’t it time to get this back in the news?

The defamation suits against Fox News by Dominion Voting Systems ($1.6 billion) and Smartmatic ($2.7 billion) may effectively remove, via bankruptcy, this cancerous tumor from the U.S. body politic, and enable us, to whatever degree possible, to re-ground our thinking in truth.

One might think that, in the meanwhile, Fox viewers would be put off that anchors like Sean Hannity go on camera, night after night, and spew bald-faced lies to them.  Unfortunately, they don’t seem to care.  They love Trump, they hate Biden and the other socialists, they despise wokeness, etc.  That Fox lies to them makes no difference whatsoever.

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One comment on “Fox News Lies To Its Viewers, and They Can’t Get Enough of It
  1. Scott McKie says:

    To whomever wrote in this peice that President Biden, the Democratic Party voters are “…the other Socialists…” in this piece — is incorrect on it’s face.

    Look up the definition of Socialism — you won’t find the Democratic Party in that definition — as hard as you might “want to “think” that it is.

    As far as being “Woke” — if being “aware of” and “caring about” your fellow man — is being “woke” — then “bring it on”: because you won’t find any MAGA Retrumplicans there.
    They’re too busy sucking in his / Fox News lies, and wallowing in the filth that is Donald Trump, Fox News, and the MAGA World.