Political Messaging

Here’s something I just heard an extremely right-wing friend say:  Traditionally, Republicans have enjoyed more solid and coherent messaging to American voters than their Democratic opponents.  Now this seems to have reversed itself, to the chagrin of conservatives who are concerned about their chances in taking over the White House in 2024.

It’s gratifying to hear this from someone who’s voted Republican his entire life.  I was afraid that the GOP narrative (obstructing the forceful attempt of the “radical left” to attempt to implement “socialism”) was somehow communicating effectively.

Apparently, the majority of voters want a government that protects Social Security, women’s rights, quality education, healthcare for all, the environment, etc., even if this means higher taxes for those earning more than $400K annually.

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One comment on “Political Messaging
  1. Scott McKie says:

    To the person with the stauch republican friend / voter — you better hope that your friend has the guts to vote his conscience instead of what the MAGA bunch tells him to vote for.

    So far — not one of them have shown even enough backbone to take a dump by themselves.