“Take Your Power Back!” – Marketing to Morons

Here’s an ad from “4Partiots” that offers a “power generator” (actually a solar panel and a battery):
The world is changing and we’ve had our wake-up call and now know that the best person to rely on in any emergency is ourselves. It’s time for you to take your power back!
The NEW Patriot Power Generator 2000X is finally in stock and ready to ship from Utah, USA. It was designed to provide you with solar backup power that can be used indoors without harmful fumes or noise.
As the grid continues to crumble, this generator will continue to protect your family from future blackouts and other natural disasters. This is not just any ordinary generator…it’s silent, safe and powered by free energy from the sun! So what are you waiting for?
Stay connected, stay powered!

Most of us have run across companies like “4Patriots,” that sell survivalist products like food supplies and power generators that are made to get us through the coming civil war (to be waged to take our country back), or perhaps natural disasters that leave the unprepared vulnerable to starvation or freezing to death.

But offerings like this make us think:  If this product were of honest value, why would they be targeting it only to so-called “patriots” = Trump-supporters = hateful idiots? If it were a truly good idea, wouldn’t educated people want it as well?

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