DeSantis Pledges to “Destroy Leftism in This Country”

It probably hasn’t dawned on his followers, but “leftism” is a set of values shared by the majority of Americans.  Abortion rights, environmental responsibility, the application of the rule of law to all, equal opportunity, quality education, separation of church and state, even universal healthcare–these are all supported by most of us.

Even if that were not the case, neither DeSantis nor anyone else can “destroy” these values.  Ask yourself is there is anything an American president could do to make you change your viewpoints on any of this stuff.

An anyone could have predicted, this is rhetoric aimed at the truly stupid.

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One comment on “DeSantis Pledges to “Destroy Leftism in This Country”
  1. Scott McKie says:

    All of what you write here may be true.
    But what do the majority of us do with all of the brain-dead Republican Voters that believe their own crap?