DeSantis “Attacking” Trump

The political analysts we see on TV are telling us that DeSantis is “going after” Trump, though, if that’s happening at all, it’s in the most lily-livered manner possible.

A true political attack on the part of DeSantis would look something like this:

American voters elected Trump in 2016, but that was before we realized that he is a criminal.  He’s a sex abuser, he’s indicted on 34 counts of fraud, he was impeached twice, he’s under investigation for election tampering, seditious conspiracy and theft of classified government documents.  The evidence available to us all is 100% damning. He’s also a pathological liar; he’s no more electable than George Santos.  

Republicans are fine and honest people with conservative values.  They fight for what makes America the greatest country on Earth.  They are not criminals, and are certainly unwilling to elect one to the highest office in the land.  

Now, there is a clear reason that DeSantis is not doing that, namely, that Trump has so much support, at least right this minute, that such a statement would be political suicide.

I counter as follows:  Ron, eventually, someone has to do it. You know and I know it. Why not do it now and be a hero?  I personally won’t be voting for you, but I would greatly admire your courage.  I’m sure the same can be said about most Americans.

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