Why Women Support Trump

The question on the back of this fellow’s T-shirt is one that my wife thinks about frequently.  How psychologically effed up does a woman have to be to support Trump?

My response, FWIW:

Some people, women included, believe that Trump represents the only viable path forward for all Americans.  If he’s too brash, or too honest, or too prone to “tell it like it is,” let liberals get over it.  He’s the only thing standing in the way of the radical left’s attempt to bring socialism to America and all the horrors it stands for: wokeness, open borders, climate science, and the end of white dominance in our society.

Keep in mind that support for Trump breaks down quickly when it comes to educational level, which comes immediately to mind especially as we find ourselves in late spring, when we think of our loved ones who are graduating from schools and colleges across the land.

As it turns out, my alma mater is celebrating the 200th anniversary of its opening in 1823, and my inbox is inundated with photos of the place (Trinity College, Hartford, CT) through the years, as well as those depicting the pure joy of the class of 2023.

If I lived within a short drive of Trinity, I would have loved to have been there to see those faces. Rude though it might have been, I could have asked a few female graduates if they support Trump.  I would have been laughed off the campus.

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One comment on “Why Women Support Trump
  1. Scott McKie says:

    You could have added that “you can’t cure dumb”.