Loyalty to Trump

From right-winger Charlie Kirk: Every “Republican” running for President should suspend their campaign and go to Miami as a show of support. If you don’t, you are part of the problem. Either we have an opposition party or we don’t. GO to Miami Tuesday, and show solidarty (sic) or we will mark you as part of the oppsition (sic).

I have bad news: the vast majority of Republicans are law-abiding people.  You may have heard the term “law and order.”

Decent people do not oppose holding a common criminal accountable for dozens upon dozens of felony charges, especially espionage, and we certainly won’t elect him to lead our country once again.

Is it remotely possible for Trump to win the Republican primary?  I have to admit that it is.  But if you think that criminality will win a general election with close to 200 million loyal Americans, you’re out of your mind.

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