Selecting a U.S. President in 2024

Australian Malcolm Roxburgh writes: I can’t fathom American politics. Surely, out of 300+ million, you can find someone under 60 years of age with all their facilities to be President. 

Thank you, Malcolm.  This is a thought I’ve had dozens of times.  All we need is a sane and honest progressive to lead our country forward.

Though Big Money supports right wing causes, most Americans have liberal values when it comes to women’s rights, gun control, LGBTQ issues, universal healthcare, environmental responsibility, and quality education.

Additionally, most of us are appalled at what the Republican party has becomes with its lies and criminality. Even the GOP congresspeople who realize that Trump is toast are still mincing their words, e.g, “Trump shouldn’t have stolen the documents, obstructed justice, and committed conspiracy, but the indictments are a witch-hunt orchestrated by the Deep State and woke socialists.”

I have every confidence that we will find someone for the job going forward.

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