Is Hillary Clinton Owed an Apology?

Re: the meme here, a reader notes: Republicans, if you care as deeply about this nation as you claim you do, you’ll dismount the dead horse myth of Trump’s patriotism and Hillary’s treason—and you’ll stand on your own two feet.

To be sure, she’s owed an apology, insofar as essentially everything she warned us about Trump turned out to be completely true, and, true to form, Trump turned those accusations around immediately at aimed them at his foe.

That said, what would have been the problem with Clinton’s saying, instead of describing her opponent’s supporters as “deplorables,” If you elect me as your next president, regardless of how much or how little money you have, your government will respect you and do its best for you.  I stand for the rights of all Americans, the wealthy and the poor, the strong and the weak.  

She would have been elected in a landslide, and this whole abortion that is American politics today would have been averted.

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