No, We Cannot Agree

The small town in Central California in which 2GreenEnergy makes its “headquarters” seems to be having a problem with dog owners who are not cleaning up after their pets. This, understandably, has drawn the ire of some of the locals who must navigate around the piles as they go out for walks around the neighborhood, and many of them have taken to expressing their feelings on social media.

What makes this interesting is that there seems to be some level of controversy.  One fellow wrote, “Oh get over yourselves.”  Apparently, we’ve reached the point where it seems there is literally nothing we can all agree on.  People have no obligation to remove their dogs’ feces from the roads?

I first had this disturbing realization when I learned that there are plenty of Americans who think of themselves as clearheaded and patriotic who are rooting for Putin in Ukraine.  I would have thought that the commission of dozens of different war crimes, ranging from waging an aggressive war to the indiscriminant torture and murder of innocent citizens, would have been hailed universally as a bad thing.  No such luck.

Obviously, there is point to made here about Donald Trump, a man whose support base has no concern about the amazing variety of felonies he committed during and after his term in office.

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