Who Gets Saved From Perdition, and Why?

A reader asked me if I feel sorry for the billions of people believed to be burning in hell because they had the bad luck to be born on this Earth before the birth of Christ, and thus were unable to accept Him as their savior.

Actually, there are other groups of supposedly eternally tortured souls that equally evoke my pity, especially the approximately 9 million kids who die each year before their 5th birthday, largely via malnutrition and the diseases that derive from it.  They were unfortunately born on parts of this planet in which Christianity is unknown, e.g., Africa and Asia.  That’s 6.1 billion people, a bit over three-quarters of the planet’s total (7.9 billion).

These children are roasting in the same hell that’s roasting, for all eternity, with Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Gandhi, and all the other intellectual and moral giants that our civilization has produced over the millennia.

The concept of hell is one that can only be accepted by our most cruel and stupid.

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