False Conclusions Can Be Difficult to “Dislodge”

Speaking of things that are not easily dislodged, let’s look at the tens of millions of American voters whose belief in the honesty of the 45th U.S. president is unshaken, even after his third arrest on multiple felony counts.

What happens to Trump is far less important than what happens to the United States as a sovereign nation, as a result its having lost its capacity to think.

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One comment on “False Conclusions Can Be Difficult to “Dislodge”
  1. Scott McKie says:

    I’ve got something for the guy that wrote this one to think about. Don’t’ include me in that group of US citizens you say have lost their ability to think.

    There are too many of you progosticators that lump every one together.
    The vast majority of us know — “you can’t cure dumb”.