Superior Science and Inferior Morals

If what Clarke said here is correct, we’re in hot water as a species, because it’s fairly plain that our morals are in a steep decline, at least in the United States.

About 30% of American voters support Donald Trump as the next president.  Yes, about one-third of us are garden-variety racist morons.

Another 10% or so are categorically against government programs designed to improve the lives of common people and mitigate climate change.

Doesn’t bode well.

Btw, why can’t we elect someone like Arthur C. Clarke?  He was an intellectual of towering proportions with a pure heart.


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One comment on “Superior Science and Inferior Morals
  1. Scott McKie says:

    All it takes is a person like Arthur C. Clark to run for President — which is as close to Joe Biden as we currently have.

    The other — their positions — especially Senator Scott — tell where their alligence lies — and it isn’t with this country.

    What’s needed for those that want to tear down this country — to take a short trip in a really big, leaky ol’ boat.