Is the “Tucker Carlson Era” Over?

Since right-wing news personality Tucker Carlson was mysteriously fired by Fox News, he’s struggled to find a new home for his views.

The author of the meme here is suggesting that he’s a has-been, but I’m not sure of the reasoning.  I think he was badly advised in writing a biography.  How interesting is the life of a trust fund baby who grew up to be another opponent of all things woke?

I seriously doubt that we’ve heard the last of Tucker Carlson, Carlson has great appeal to the better-educated sector of the Republican party.

My mother, to take an example, misses him terribly in  her nightly television experience.  Now it’s true that for every Pat Shields, there are probably 100 MAGA idiots, but again, I expect him to return.

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One comment on “Is the “Tucker Carlson Era” Over?
  1. Scott McKie says:

    Man, you got cahones dude — to let it be known that your mother misses “something that float in the toilet”!