How Monsters Operate

Much has been said about how horrible things happen to apparently sane and just societies.  Now, for instance, we’re scratching our heads about the rise of Donald Trump in the United States.

Brilliant chemist Primo Levi takes the view of many holocaust survivors, i.e., that the danger lies more in the enablers than the “monster” himself.

In Trump’s case, the “enablers” include not only his inner circle and supporters in Congress, but the right-wing news media.  If Fox News, for instance, only had a shred of decency, and refused to promote this sociopath, the entirety of American society wouldn’t gone down this deadly path.

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One comment on “How Monsters Operate
  1. Scott McKie says:

    You almost have it right — almost, but not quite.

    The monster is the individual MAGA / Evangelical Christian / Republican votor — who listens and believes the rabies infected “cool-aid” from Fox News, the sychophants areound Trump — and Trump himself.

    Fox News is only the spigot for the Trumpo oriented MAGA messenge.
    It has to have a recipient to “effect” the situation this country is presently in — and until that spigit is shut off — it will continue to spew out the Trump / MAGA disease.