What Is Required to Heal America

I dedicate these words from Sophocles to all those who hope Trump suffers a fatal heart attack, or dies of some other cause.

Trump’s death will do very little to restoring sanity, decency, and honesty to America’s Republican party. In fact, it would probably impede the process.

Healing can only occur in the context of a close and objective examination of what has happened since the 2020 election and the application of justice accordingly.

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One comment on “What Is Required to Heal America
  1. Scott McKie says:

    Any “…close and objective examiniation of what has happened since the 2020 election and the application of justice…” requires that the two injured parties occupy space “on the same planet”.

    This goes much deeper and much further back than the 2020.

    It goes back to the founding of this country –where some men and women had made the consciencious decision that they “believe” — that they “have / had the God-given right” to either “dictate to” or “enslave” another man or woman.

    The majority of US citizens made the upward transition into humanity: to understand that both “positions / beliefs” — have no place in this world, let alone this country.

    In the present, in this country; there are still dictitorial; political; and religious Neaderthals that did not, and presently; by consciencious decision: have not evolved either.

    So trying to communicate, let alone “heal”; any difference(s) between these two positions — is simply futile.

    There is no way of communicating with a Neaderthal — because it’s “position(s)” are just un-human.

    Their way of thinking –is not human — it is barbaric.
    And to try and “heal” with a “thing” that thinks / believes that way — is just a waste of time and effort.

    The majority of humans in this country, and the world; need to “get some guts”: and economically “qarentine” these Neaderthals — because their Achilles Heel” seems to be their pocket books.

    At least that is what their vocal mantra seems to be, i.e., “— ewverything / anything for business…”.