Guns in America

In most of these family portraits, even the little girl withe the angelic smile has a derringer or a Saturday night special.  Maybe these folks come from a more sophisticated branch of MAGA America.

Seriously, it’s a sad aspect of U.S. society that many of us believe we need weapons of war to protect ourselves and our property, mainly from the Democrats who are, for yet another decade, trying to overturn the 2nd Amendment and “take away your guns.”

Do you see this level of abject stupidity in any other country in the developed world?  Of course not.  We stand alone as a sick, demented joke.


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One comment on “Guns in America
  1. Scott McKie says:

    It’s not the kids fault that their father (if the goofy looking goon standing behind them is that person) is an idiot.

    The 2nd ammendment was written in the time of muskets.
    Let them keep their muskets — but do two things immediately:
    1.) take away all assalt rifles from all civilian — plain and simple.
    The deer will thank you, and;
    2.) immediately shut down any arms manufacturer that is or has made either a complete assalt rifle, or parts for on — it that rifle is found in the possession of a civilian.
    There are and were meant for military / war / us only.