Pessimism, Anyone?

Between environmental collapse, world fascism, and nuclear holocaust, it’s not easy to name the threat that is most likely to take us down.

And let’s not forget runaway AI.  Carl Sagan warned us many decades ago that we are a civilization built on the exponential development of technology in the context of a society that is almost entirely ignorant of even the most basic elements of science.

We Americans have a tendency to be insular in our thinking, i.e., to entertain the belief that nothing of any real consequence happens outside our borders.  Yet, I think there is a great deal of validity to the idea that the U.S. is at a make-break point, and, that if we can stave off the attack on our democracy and restore rule of law and the acceptance of science in the policy-making, we can lead the world back into some level of rationality and normality.


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One comment on “Pessimism, Anyone?
  1. Scott McKie says:

    You want to really get a scare — go on the Tesla section of Twitter (X) and read the mindless crap on it.

    They’ll push the boundaries simply because they have no moral compass and could care less about the rest of the world.