Biden and Trump on Big Oil

The facts as reported here are true, but I’m not sure Biden deserves any moral credit for what happened.  If he did, he’d be pushing for things like the Carbon Fee and Dividend, a movement that would incentivize everyone at all levels of the energy and transportation food chain to decarbonize.


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One comment on “Biden and Trump on Big Oil
  1. Scott McKie says:

    There is one simple and glaring reason why President Biden hasn’t endorsed the “Carbon Fee and Dividend proposal.

    After reading the proposal — it is clear that it doesn’t “help anything but “business”.

    It certainly doesn’t help the fight to stop the burning of fossil-fuel, thus reducing the pollution caused by that burning / thus helping the fight against Global warming / climate change.

    It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the obvious — but business types are not among the “more honest” people in the population.

    The obvious reason that President Biden hasn’t endorsed it is because it’s b.s., just like the endorsement that Trump gave it.

    It’s just another “business or nothing”/ self-serving piece of schtick.