Keeping Trump Off the Ballot Is a Terrible Idea

As much as I detest Trump, I hope these initiatives fail.

Most obviously, they seem to violate the Fifth Amendment’s guarantee of due process.

But more importantly, this country cannot heal itself if Trump supporters believe that the Democrats, the Deep State, the Hollywood Elite, Big Tech, or some other “sinister” force illegally thwarted their will.

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One comment on “Keeping Trump Off the Ballot Is a Terrible Idea
  1. Scott McKie says:

    Your a closet Republican arn’t you
    The 14th Ammednment Section 3 spells out what Trump did.
    Andit is the Law in the Country Craig, not hyou whinie opinion that states that State Secretary of State have the say-so, based on provable fact, not opinion or perception whether Trump can legally run or not.

    For someone who professes to be a scholar and well educated– you sure don’t write or seemingly think like one.