The Cruelty of American Politics Breaks Our Hearts

There is great deal to be said for free enterprise, but maybe there is even more to be said for putting limits on the exploitation of the desperately poor.

Ask yourself: what political philosophy put an end to child labor as depicted here, as well as the countless other atrocities?  The conservatives/ libertarians or the progressives?

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One comment on “The Cruelty of American Politics Breaks Our Hearts
  1. Scott McKie says:

    The thing that is so damming about child labor — is that a philosophly that includes / condones child labor — is allowed to exist.

    Economics, i.e., making money is what is behind child labor — and “not using” any products derived from practices such as child labor — along with legal actions against the people making money by using children – are two of the ways to end it.

    Because conservative is no crime.
    Using child labor to make money — is not only immoral — it is deemed illegal
    Being of a Republican “persuation”, by iself, is not a crime or immoral.
    But it establishd fact — that it has been Republican / Conservative people that has used child labor as a means to make money in the past.
    Also, including Libertarians here is an opinion only — as no factural connection to Libertarians using child labor as a means to make money — is made here.