American Petroleum Institute Is Among the Most Powerful Groups on Earth

You may be wondering about the latest propaganda coming out of the American Petroleum Institute, one of the major lobbying groups for Big Oil.

Well, it’s this attempt to convince us that government is forcing us away from fossil fuels, making our lives more unpleasant and out of our own control than ever before.

A few years ago I attended a symposium on alternative fuels, and noted to my shock that the keynote address was delivered  by a spokesperson of the American Petroleum Institute.  She argued that, as a soccer mom, she needed a reliable way to get her kids to practices and games.  I’m sure I wasn’t the only one in the audience who thought: Well, there are dozens of different electric vehicles on the road, and they do seem to be performing admirably.

It was at that moment that I realized not only how powerful and ruthless these people are, but how they hold our intelligence in such incredibly low regard.

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