America’s Coming “Hurricane”

Given the fragility of the world’s balance of power, anything’s possible for the U.S. and global economy.

One thing that’s highly unlikely, however, is that Tucker Carlson knows anything more about it than you or I.

When we come across ads like this, we are compelled to feel sorry for the level of intelligence of the common American.

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One comment on “America’s Coming “Hurricane”
  1. Scott McKie says:

    I disagree.

    There is no reason — to feel “sorry” — for any individual that has the lazy / low level / intelligence level — that he of she doesn’t know how to / get / and discover the difference between real information and lies; or believe in those that are “proven liars” — such as Tucker Carlson.

    It is an individual conscience decision to stay uneducated.

    It is an individual conscience decision to choose to only get one’s information from a single source.

    It is an individual conscience decision to base one’s perception on only one-sided information.

    And it is an individual conscience decision to “call out the real situation” to anyone that believes in the lies and the liars: and this includes the people that “feel sorry” for the “self-inflicted” uninformed.