Is This Wind Turbine a Scam? Let’s Do Some Math.

Assume the turbine presented here is 1.5 meters tall, as shown, and let’s say 0.5 meters wide, meaning that its swept area is 0.75 square meters if it were refashioned into a standard bladed turbine, spinning in a circle, with a radius of 0.488 meters.

Let’s round that off to 0.5 and plug this into this wind power calculator, showing that you’ll get 10 KWs from it if the average wind speed is a bit over 84 MPH.  That’s quite a breeze.

Since the power derived from a wind turbine is proportional to the cube of the wind speed, an average speed of 7-8 MPH, which exists everywhere outside of the plains states, will get you about 10 Watts, enough to charge your phone if you leave it plugged in 11 hours per day.

If that sounds like a bargain, by all means, jump on in.  Even with the feeble level of math intelligence in our country, I’m not sure Americans will be lining up to buy, but 0ne never knows.

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