“System Change” Means Removing Money from Politics

Progressives hope to see systemic changes to our world that will make this planet a greener and more just place to live.  That means many things, but especially decarbonizing our transportation and energy sectors, while dealing with our huge and ever-growing wealth inequality.

If you’re asking yourself why essentially none of this is happening, you really don’t have to go any further than the massive amounts of money that are inflecting our lawmaking.

To take just one small example, how is it possible that 89% of Americans want to see gun laws into place that are proven to reduce the carnage in our day-to-day lives?  Here’s a list of U.S. senators who accept financial contributions from the gun lobby, in exchange for their blocking legislation that would make us all safer.

It’s not rocket science.

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One comment on ““System Change” Means Removing Money from Politics
  1. Scott McKie says:

    As far as teh environment is concerned — one of the main reasons that things are going so slow — — is that guys specifically like you — who receive information that will help really get things moving — sit on it.

    You have no place to even comment.