Do Unto Others- The Primary Teaching?

The Golden Rule is a teaching of these religions, though calling it the primary teaching is debatable.  For those with monotheistic beliefs, e.g., Christians, Jews, and Muslims, I would argue that the main idea is that the universe and everything in it, including ourselves, was created by an all-powerful God, who commands us to worship him.

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One comment on “Do Unto Others- The Primary Teaching?
  1. Scott McKie says:

    Every one of these religions has a common beginning.
    — some guy or gal, —wwwwwaaaaay back when — sitting on a rock in the mouth of his cave; heated by his newly discovered “fire”, petting his newly domesticated wild dog — after a meal of Wholly Mammoth or Mastadon — says to himself:

    “…Self! – if I tell’ all the people in the other caves: — that I know something that they don’t (and won’t ever tell them)– but they have to come to me alone to try and find out what “it” is — I would make myself into a very important man — wouldn’t I…”

    Prove that this isn’t the beginning of Religion — which is, and has been the bane of mankind ever since it was “thought up”.