Watershed Event in U.S. Politics

As I mentioned in a post yesterday, American politics has reached a point where one of its two major parties, the Republicans, seems to have become aware that it offers nothing of value whatsoever to its base.

Its platform consists of a number of extremist positions, which are repugnant to most Americans: banning abortion, unlimited gun rights, cutting Social Security and Medicare, environmental devastation, the rejection of science, withdrawing support for Ukraine, and, most of all, kowtowing to a sociopathic criminal former president, has turned out to be entirely unappealing to most voters.

A year ago, one could have said that its policy of stopping whatever the Democrats want was held in high regard, but that also ceased to register at the polls.

How is it possible that it has taken so long for all this to emerge on the political landscape?  I have no clue.

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One comment on “Watershed Event in U.S. Politics
  1. Scott McKie says:

    Here’s your clue — it’s called “opening your eyes” and assessing what your eyes are telling you — not what you “want to see!!

    It’s been there for a really looonnnngggg time.