Tesla’s Market Share Plunges

Here’s a conversation with some readers:

Reader A: Musk’s behavior and comments are among the reasons I will not ever buy a Tesla.
Reader B: I have heard a lot of people say this, and I know people who canceled orders as a result of Musk’s behavior. But some who commented on the original article declared these mere anecdotes. My point was, he is impacting the company. They prefer to believe he isn’t, but that’s living in a fantasy world where every Musk decision is really a sort of genius we just can’t understand.
Reader C: The day he said “I forgot you’re still alive” to Bernie Sanders I knew I would never give him a cent.
Me: First, let’s look at the headline, and try to understand what it means relative to Tesla’s financial viability.  Their market cap isn’t plunging; their market share is, which may be expected as the entire host of traditional auto OEMs convert their fleets to electric.
To the point you folks are making, there are many people who simply won’t support such a hateful person, and I’m one of them. It would not surprise me to watch “X,” Tesla, etc. take huge hits over the coming years.
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