Americans’ Priorities

As suggested in this brilliant cartoon, when most Americans go to the polls in 2024, climate change mitigation will not be at the top of their list of priorities.

Having said that, Biden has done more than any of his predecessors in funding infrastructure and other programs designed to lower our country’s carbon footprint; kudos.

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One comment on “Americans’ Priorities
  1. Scott McKie says:

    It all boils down to just how miopic and self-centered each voter is.

    What is observable — especially after the despicable exhibition of outright lies in Oakland California last night by Palestinian followers at a City Council meeting: is that the younger generations – in general:
    — don’t give a damn about what “truth actually “is”;
    — whether or not they will consider any other source for their information than their favorite ” blogger” / Fox News, or;
    — have the guts to think passed their next “like” or dislike” on that thing growing out of their hand(s).