Fox News Doesn’t Play Well in Dallas, But What Exactly Does that Mean?

I’m happy to hear this, but I would make this prediction: Go 40 miles in any direction from downtown Dallas and repeat the experiment.  Don’t be surprised if the bartender is cheered.

This is the same phenomenon that we see played out all over the country, and probably, at a certain level, all over the world.

In addition, it’s apparently been the case throughout human history.  I once asked a tour guide at a museum of ancient Greek artifacts how it was possible that the same people who established democracy, geometry, and Western philosophy believed that Mercury with his chariot pulled the sun across the sky.

He laughed, and then explained that the educated people of Athens, while they didn’t have Newtonian physics, didn’t believe the theology of the day.  He went on to explain that the farmers out in the fields, a day’s ride on horseback, who had little or no education, weren’t strong in critical thinking and simply believed whatever they were told.

To me, this explains why we find the Bible Belt (and the QAnoners and the core support base for Donald Trump) in places that are home to by-and-large uneducated people.


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One comment on “Fox News Doesn’t Play Well in Dallas, But What Exactly Does that Mean?
  1. Scott McKie says:

    Then there’s the part about being having them breed and vote.