“Inside the Movement” Remains Optimistic on Global Warming Mitigation

Morgan, at “Inside the Movement,” writes: This year’s COP Conference has been hard to watch. Between the record number of oil lobbyists attending and the COP President (an oil CEO) who doesn’t believe phasing out fossil fuels will reduce global heating, we can’t lose sight of the urgency and action that is needed for our planet.

I remember attending a conference on alternative fuels whose keynote address was delivered by the president of the American Petroleum Institute. She pointed out that she was a soccer mom and needed a reliable way to get her kids to and from practices and games, as if only an internal combustion engine could deliver that level of dependability.

I found the organizer of the event and pointed out the absurdity, but he didn’t see the issue at all.

“If this represents the best of our capacity to think, conferences like these are really pointless, aren’t they?” I asked, as I turned and walked away.

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