U.S. Engaged in Epic Battle Against Higher Education

Social media is littered with memes like this one, each trying to convince us, that a college education is unnecessary, or more commonly, simply a bad thing.

Now, if you’re today’s Christian-oriented, ultra-right-wing Republican party, it’s easy to guess the reasoning here.   College educated people tend to vote against things like abortion bans, climate denialism, cuts to public education and healthcare, white supremacy, and, to be sure, immunity from prosecution for former presidents who tried to overthrow the U.S. government.

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One comment on “U.S. Engaged in Epic Battle Against Higher Education
  1. Scott McKie says:

    Boy you really swinging at butterflies without a net on this one.
    Where is there anything about not going to college being a right wing agenda thing here?

    Are you trying to say that learning a trade isn’t an education It’s a hell of a lot harder than sitting and pontificating!

    With first hand knowledge on electricity and how to produce it using over-unity” — without a college education: I’m smart enough not to buy your position here — and I am no-right-wing wind-nut either – which you well know.

    Sometimes you might think about “backing away a little”.