The Existence of God

In response to the reader who submitted the meme here, another fellow notes: (The existence of) God is an unfalsifiable proposition, meaning that science can’t say anything positive or negative about it. You’re welcome to believe whatever you want, but science and religion are non-overlapping domains, and I personally think it’s better for both if (we) keep them separate.

Good reply.  I would also add that most scientists are atheists, meaning that those whose life’s work is science itself refute the claim in the meme.


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3 comments on “The Existence of God
  1. Scott McKie says:

    This “meme” is nothing but uneducated / brainwashed (probably from childhood) stuff some preacher said in order to keep “gettin’ them tieths” every Sunday.

    “Religion” is a “control business” – nothing more – “just keep em barefoot and stupid”

  2. Lawrence Coomber says:

    Thank you Craig – an interesting topic.

    Your support of the reader who said: –
    “You’re welcome to believe whatever you want, but science and religion are non-overlapping domains, and I personally think it’s better for both if (we) keep them separate.”

    Is of course admirable Craig, despite being wrong, and also a lost opportunity to educate others moving forward.

    As you are aware from earlier posts over many years, I work in the Renewable Energy Technology Industry just about everywhere over the last 25+ years, and since 2016 throughout India with Prime Minister Modi’s “Smart Villages Initiative” which involves Solar Water Pumping and Small Scale Solar PV Generation for Rural Villages across the nation.

    Unlike your reader though; I had in 2018 an opportunity at the opening of a Smart Village Power Plant to have a brief moment with Prime Minister Modi and made this comment in response to his question about: how can we massively grow the roll out, of modern Renewable Energy Technology innovation throughout India?:-

    “Prime Minister: my recommendation is to encourage young Indian school students at every level, to focus their undivided attention on worlds best practice science; engineering; and technological knowhow manuals and textbooks – instead of 3500+ years old religious scriptures, across many religions, which are not relevant, and contribute nothing meaningful or practical in any modern and progressive Indian society.”

    Summary: Religion needs to be overwhelmed [with extreme prejudice and over time] by science; to obtain and retain any semblance of a modern; prosperous; harmonious and enduring society looking forward.

    Lawrence Coomber